Kaitlyn shares about a professional skill set she is working on:
What is one professional skill set you are currently working on?
As we continue to grow as a team and agency I have been working more in depth on Leadership. As our team continues to grow I want to be sure that I am at my best for each member of our A Team.

What are you doing to work on that skill?
Some of the ways I have been working on my growth in leadership is:
Setting goals for myself personally and professionally.
Seeking advice and feedback from my peers.
Learning new skills within our industry as it is always evolving. Last month I was able to join Beth on a trip to Acuity’s HQ in Sheboygan, WI for their Women’s Leadership Summit. I was able to hear from carrier leaders and other agency leaders from all over the country and their tips for growing as a leader.
Listening to Podcasts – Some of my favorite ones are:
- The Goal Digger Podcast
- The Ridiculously Amazing Insurance Podcast
Reading books– A few I have read so far.
- Atomic Habits
- Dare to Lead
- The Compound Effect
- Currently Reading – Start with Why
What impact will it have when you’ve nailed that skill down?
The impact I hope it will have on my team will show that I am always their biggest cheerleader even when we are in the trenches of yuck I am still here to help them. I will also have the confidence that I once was uneasy about stepping into something bigger.